Tips On The Way In Which To You Can Make Your Rattan Furniture Appear Like New For Much Longer: Excellent Routines For Routine and Comprehensive Cleaning
Maintenance Routines
Rattan, is highly valued due to its versatility, toughness, and longevity. Its beautiful looking sleek surface can easily hold up to dirt and dust, and is tolerant to both rain and sun exposure. Although without a doubt the finest rattan furniture really should very well go on for many, many years and years, however even the greatest high quality rattan will require to be effectively kept and routinely cleaned for it to last for as many years as it can. If you possess household or outdoor furniture constructed from rattan, heres the perfect tips and tricks required to revamp and to help keep and take care of your rattan pieces best.
Frequent Cleaning Of Your Rattan
Lets kick of with the routine clean, you will need dish washing detergent, water, a bowl, gentle cloth, and toothbrush. First step is to add a few drops of the washing up liquid to the bowl, then fill with water to make a good amount of bubbles on the water surface. Take a gentle cloth and dip it into the surface bubbles only, do not wet the cloth with the water. Wipe the rattan with the barely damp cloth, making sure only slight moisture touches its surface to avoid over-wetting it. Use the cloth to wipe the immediate surface area, but for the small crevices especially those in wicker furniture, using a gentle brush or toothbrush is more ideal. Again only using the bubbles and making sure the brush is not too hard, brush the small cracks and crevices on your furniture to remove stuck dust and dirt. Allow your furniture to air dry or set it under the sun, and repeat this every week for best results.
Meticulously Maintenance
So theres the easy cleaning taken care of to be done weekly or at least monthly, every year you should also look to do one major thorough clean. Why should I do this as well? I hear you ask, well this clean is now geared towards more than just getting the cobwebs off the furniture, here we are looking to remove stains, and re-seal your rattan furniture for another summer or from the winters rain using a protective coat of lacquer or shellac. You can use the same technique for mixing the cleaning solution as in routine cleaning, only this time you will need to scrub the rattan surface with a soft cloth slightly soaked in a little more water. Hopefully this time round the furniture will be a little more cleaned, as such it should also be a lot wetter than it usually does in routine cleanings. Best way here is, make sure you do your thorough cleaning when the day is sunny, warm and dry. This way, you can set your furniture out to dry under the sun after cleaning. Alternatively, you can use a hot hair dryer to dry the rattan surface a little quicker using obvious caution not to have the dryer too hot or close to the furniture.
After the rattan has completely dried, use a delicate paintbrush to put on an even coat of lacquer or shellac on the rattan surface, to seal and offer additional protection to the furniture exterior through to the next thorough cleaning up in the following year.